Friday, August 28, 2015

School is back in session!

Summer vacations are done (for most of us!), pool passes are being put away for safe keeping and most likely some nice new indoor slippers have been purchased for what promises to be another amazing year at the ISC!

Here at the school garden we are gearing up for another strong year with an edible schoolyard that is looking to be even bigger and better than last year, our inaugural year.  With more volunteers than I know what to do with (not that I'm complaining) we are in the process of designing our 2015 Fall gardening schedule and I am working with the teachers to help design curriculum based on what will be in season when. 

In the upcoming posts, I'll be detailing what we intend to plant, what is in season now, how volunteers can help and of course, the best part of all, I'll be posting many recipes that can be used to turn what we're growing into something dinner-worthy.  If anyone would like to volunteer their time in the garden and you have not heard from me yet, please email me at

In the very near future I will be posting some Sign Up Genius pages for both staff and parents to help understand what we've got planned as far as seed sowing, plant planting and kitchen cooking goes.  This is going to be really fun and I can't wait to get back in the garden with the students.

CHANGE!  Our first Edible ISC meeting will take place on Monday, September 14th, at 7 pm @Cville Coffee.  Anyone is welcome!  Here I will lay out our annual plan and we will brainstorm ways that anyone interested can get involved.

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